8-bit Tips

8-bit Stories is powered by Sprucebot and leverages Large Language Models (think ChatGPT) to write your stories. This means you have a lot of control over the story writing processes. Here are some tips:

  • At the Romero family, we created a document we call the “Romero Commandments” that cover the highest order values that have lead to the best outcomes. Here are a few of ours:

    • A Romero always tries their best.

    • A Romero never gives up, but knows when to pivot.

    • A Romero focuses on the most important thing.

    A fun exercise is to gather up the parents, coparents, and/or care providers and fill out the family values together. Make it a discussion, drive alignment, because, after all, these values are about to make it into your bedtime stories!

  • No! Not at all! You can add pets, friends, stuffed animals, etc. Make sure to explain the relationship fully in the bio. For example, if your daughter Sally had a stuffy named “Peanut Butter”, you could enter something like:


    Peanut Butter is Sally’s favorite stuffed animal. She has some scars, but mommy put her back together with love. She brings Sally confidence when she’s feeling scared, but we’re working to build her confidence and self-trust so she can go a day without a stuffed animal. So, whenever PB is in a story, let’s focus on her telling Sally she’s brave enough to go forward and leave PB at home. Then, after our adventure, we go home and PB is there to give Sally big hugs!


    In summary, not only can you explain the nature of the relationship, but also the lessons you want the AI to incorporate!!

  • In my (Taylor) humble opinion, a “good” value has a few characteristics.

    • You can speak it clearly and concisely.

      • “A Romero always tries there best.”

    • You can articulate why it’s important to other adults.

      • Don’t explain the “why” to your kids!!

      • Studies have show that not explaining the “why” behind your values is actually more powerful.

      • “A Romero always tries there best… know why?”- “Why?”. - “I don’t know, we didn’t get to pick”

    • It can be used practically.

      • Whenever the girls are giving up on a task, we can remind them that, “A Romero always tries there best”!

    • Your kids say it back to you.

      • When your kids embody the values you instill in them, they’ll start repeating them back to you.

      • “You got this daddy! Remember, a Romero never gives up!”

  • ABSOLUTELY NOT! The AI operates under strict rules to never introduce any religious, political, philosophical, nor ideological content unless specified by you.

  • A better way to think about it is “harmless.” The information you enter is sent to the AI, the story is written, then things are forgotten.

    No information tying your account to the story is sent to the world, so not even the AI knows which person requested the story. As far as the AI is concerned, everything is coming from Sprucebot.

    The only way someone other than you can read your story is if you decide to share it!

  • Yes! I setup a Facebook group for exactly that! Try here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/8bitstories